Definition of crime

Several authors give comprehensive definition of crime which are in somewhat  similar to others. they see crime as action which are punishable by International, country or state. Up counsel defined crime as"A crime is a wrongdoing classified by the state or Congress as a felony or misdemeanor."¹ And according to Thomas Bernard he defined crime "Crim as the intentional commission of an act usually deemed socially harmful or dangerous and specifically defined, prohibited, and punishable under criminal law."² The major problem with this definition is that anything that is not punishable under the law is not regarded as crime such as furnication, Adultery and what have you? The list bit long. Certain society frown upon most of them and some even consider them major crime but this is beyond the aim of this write up.

Should criminal be blame for the crime they committed.

According to it defined blame as "Blame is the opposite of praise. It is the act of criticizing, holding responsible, and making negative statements about a person or group that their action or actions are socially or morally irresponsible" however, some writer argued that blame is contrary to criminal justice system. Erin Kelly In her recent book The Limits of Blame, Erin Kelly argues that we should rethink the nature of punishment because delivering blame is, contrary to the widely held view, not among the justifiable aims of a criminal justice procedure however I totally disagree with her because the trauma which the defendant  cause to the victim is more traumatice than what defendant will ever experienced.


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